Thoughts on the effect of our actions on everyone and everything around us.
Are you creating a positive ripple everyday?

Monday, September 12, 2011
Earlier this summer, a new creative ripple began for me. It has turned out to be wide-spread and far-reaching. Although some of you have seen the fruits of my new creative bursts, I'd like to share with you exactly how this particular ripple began.
Friends of ours were expecting a baby, due in early September. For many years now, I have made baby quilts for the new little ones of friends and relatives. I love the entire process, from choosing the fabric to determining the pattern, to cutting up the fabric only to sew it back together again. In mid-summer, I went to the fabric store to wander around and get some inspiration. After a few hours of perusing, I decided on fabric and had a very loose idea of a pattern. I headed to the checkout line. In this particular store, waiting in line can take for-ev-er. They have strategically placed tons of small add-on items in the line, along with their magazine rack. As the line crawled by the rack, a crafter magazine caught my eye. It was called Stuffed and it had 3 crazy looking pink dolls on the cover. I picked it up and the rest, as they say, is history. Or ripple, if you prefer.
I did not buy the magazine that night. I'm not a huge consumer of stuff. Rick is the magazine person of our household. But I just could not get this magazine out of my head! The few dolls and creatures I saw had lit my imagination on fire! The next day, I went to another store that carried it and I bought it. And I bet I have looked at it a hundred times or more by now.
I did make the baby quilt, along with a very sweet dolly to match. That week, I not only completed those two projects, but three other 'zombie' type dolls. They are like nothing I have ever made!
Creativity is such a random thing! I have been creating since I was young; everything from drawing and writing to sewing and painting. Sometimes the ideas are so fast- and free-flowing that my hands can't seem to keep up with my imagination. And sometimes the well is dry, or so it appears, and the creative side of me settles on the back burner for awhile. Through periods in my life of great stress, sadness or challenge, the creative side of me almost dies, and though it sometimes seems like it will never return, it always does, just when I least expect it! And no matter how long it's been dormant, I welcome that side of me back with open arms, because it just feels so darn good to make something from start to finish.
The dolls I've made are piling up now on a shelf in our room. I have gifted some and bartered some. One was made from two fabric scraps I found on my walk one morning! I never know what will inspire the next creature...I just pull out the scrap bag, choose a fabric and get started. There are no such things as mistakes...when something doesn't go as I had planned, I roll with it and see what happens. The idea I finish with is almost never the idea I begin with, and that is the best thing about the whole process! The more dolls I make, the more that pop into my imagination!
If you are thinking of doing something creative, but don't know what you'll do or how to start, take my advice; just start! If you like the idea of painting, get some brushes and paint and see what comes out. If it's not at all what you like, try again. If it's a little what you like, keep going. If it's a lot what you like, share it, gift it or frame it! Remember, it's not what other artists in the world have done that you are basing your creativity on, it's what's in your heart and your hands. Creativity just plain feels good! So what are you waiting for?
The dolls I make now have their own Facebook page called Fiddleheads and Chaos. And I'm in the process of stocking the shelves of my new Etsy shop by the same name. I will offer my dolls as one-of-a-kind creations, but I'm also open to custom orders. I look forward to the ripples this new venture will bring my way. And I also look forward to seeing what you create! Let the creativity ripple begin!
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