Tuesday, May 28, 2013



"If you are going to doubt anything,
doubt your limits." -Don Ward

    Very early this morning, while I was taking my becoming-a-daily-habit walk, I was deeply immersed in my business plan, believe it or not. Sanding off the rough edges of my goals. Letting the pegs settle into the holes. Rubik's Cube-ing my future. (Wait 'til you see what's coming up...!)

Anyway, it was just becoming light and I was moving through a neighborhood at a lively pace. No music, no company, no real distractions, just thoughts and breathing. Suddenly, I heard a crazy animal chattering noise, unlike any I've heard. I turned my head in time to see a large raccoon! Heading down a driveway, chasing after me, cussing up a storm in Raccoonish! Yikes!

While it would have been within my biological rights to scream 'like a girl', I just exclaimed to myself and the trees, "Oh!" And then, I ran! 

The End.

What? The End? 

Yes. That's all. I ran! Nicely too! I guess the videos on running form from OptimalRun.com sunk in a bit...I'd been thinking it was just the cool tunes and the dude with the blocks that were inspiring!

Certainly, I took off running because of the freakish wild animal chasing me away from her kids or the dumpster or whatever raccoon drama she may have been struggling with.  She didn't give chase for too long. I could have stopped. But I didn't! As Forrest Gump said, "I was running!"

Granted, it was not for long. It's been a long time and a lot of cookies since I was walking 4 or more miles at a blistering pace, each and every day, no matter the weather. I'm not silly enough to push myself too hard. Yet. But, I ran. And suddenly all the limitations I had been letting settle in seemed like phantom voices, vanishing...POOF!...into the early morning air.

There is nothing that I can't do, if I push aside my perceived limitations and just go for it. This gaining-on-half-a-century body is somewhat underused, but it's quite serviceable and will do quite nicely, thank you, with a little love, and with some clear thoughts. I have been known to become a little stubborn, even donkey-like, when told I can't do something, or that an idea I have won't work. So what the heck am I doing, allowing my limitations, mere thoughts, vapor!, to dictate what I can manage? Hello! Wake-up call!!

I thank that grouchy raccoon for starting this morning's ripple. I had been heading toward picking up my pace a little bit more each day, but had been holding back a bit. Resting on my limitations. Now I see that I just needed a kick in the pants to remind me that I am capable of not only conquering my physical goals, but my mental ones too. I have a feeling the ripples from this animal encounter will be far-reaching and magnificent. 

It's funny, but I've always joked that I don't run unless I'm being chased! Tomorrow, I think I'll try it again, raccoon or not. See you on the path!